Arguments were a frustrating part of Priya’s* life.
Arguments with family can become hostile and volatile sometimes.
“What is this rage inside of you? And why does it unleash on those you care about the most?”
These questions came to Priya’s mind as she struggled after a terrible argument with her husband. The argument escalated to the point of extreme frustration – she lost it! No one was hurt, but the words stung.
Priya wondered, “How could things get this out of control?” It felt like no one would ever understand her needs and struggles – like there was no way out, as if she would feel alone and misunderstood forever.
Having come to the U.S. for college, the initial family pressure on Priya was to succeed in her education and career. Once she started gaining traction with her career, the pressure shifted to marriage and kids. Was anything she did ever going to be good enough?
Therapy helped Priya explore her frustrations.
When Priya found her way to me, we explored her frustrations while making room for her voice.
Therapy was the first place Priya could focus entirely on herself and her needs. Through our work, we began to explore the impact of all the societal and familial expectations that kept pressuring her.
Priya learned about healthy boundaries and continues to practice how to implement those boundaries in her life. Priya has learned the importance of self-care and trusting her inner voice to create more connections with herself and others.
Priya’s relationship with her husband is lighter and more supportive now, and all her interpersonal relationships are healthier. She’s learning the importance of professional and personal boundaries and how to notice and express her needs effectively.
Don’t let life’s frustrations keep you down.
Like many women, especially those from a cultural background with traditional expectations for women, Priya never allowed herself to explore her feelings and desires. Therapy provided the time and encouragement necessary for Priya to explore what she wanted and to set boundaries.
Priya grew from the experience, and her relationships with herself and others changed for the better.
Are you ready to take the next step to deepen your connection with yourself? The more connected we are to ourselves, the stronger our relationships are with others.
Reach out today for a free 15-minute consultation.
*Priya is not an actual client – To maintain privacy, she represents a vignette that combines client stories.